import { Transform } from 'readable-stream';
import N3Writer from './N3Writer';
N3StreamWriter serializes a quad stream into a text stream.
import { Transform } from 'readable-stream';
import N3Writer from './N3Writer';
export default class N3StreamWriter extends Transform {
constructor(options) {
super({ encoding: 'utf8', writableObjectMode: true });
Set up writer with a dummy stream object
const writer = this._writer = new N3Writer({
write: (quad, encoding, callback) => { this.push(quad); callback && callback(); },
end: callback => { this.push(null); callback && callback(); },
}, options);
Implement Transform methods on top of writer
this._transform = (quad, encoding, done) => { writer.addQuad(quad, done); };
this._flush = done => { writer.end(done); };
import(stream) {
stream.on('data', quad => { this.write(quad); });
stream.on('end', () => { this.end(); });
stream.on('error', error => { this.emit('error', error); });
stream.on('prefix', (prefix, iri) => { this._writer.addPrefix(prefix, iri); });
return this;