import { Readable } from 'readable-stream';
import { default as N3DataFactory, termToId, termFromId } from './N3DataFactory';
import namespaces from './IRIs';
import { isDefaultGraph } from './N3Util';
N3Store objects store N3 quads by graph in memory.
import { Readable } from 'readable-stream';
import { default as N3DataFactory, termToId, termFromId } from './N3DataFactory';
import namespaces from './IRIs';
import { isDefaultGraph } from './N3Util';
export default class N3Store {
constructor(quads, options) {
The number of quads is initially zero
this._size = 0;
contains subject, predicate, and object indexes per graph
this._graphs = Object.create(null);
maps entities such as
to numbers,
saving memory by using only numbers as keys in _graphs
this._id = 0;
this._ids = Object.create(null);
this._entities = Object.create(null); // inverse of `_ids`
is the index of the last automatically named blank node
this._blankNodeIndex = 0;
Shift parameters if quads
is not given
if (!options && quads && !quads[0])
options = quads, quads = null;
options = options || {};
this._factory = options.factory || N3DataFactory;
Add quads if passed
if (quads)
_termFromId(id, factory) {
if (id[0] === '.') {
const entities = this._entities;
const terms = id.split('.');
const q = this._factory.quad(
terms[4] && this._termFromId(entities[terms[4]])
return q;
return termFromId(id, factory);
_termToNumericId(term) {
if (term.termType === 'Quad') {
const s = this._termToNumericId(term.subject),
p = this._termToNumericId(term.predicate),
o = this._termToNumericId(term.object);
let g;
return s && p && o && (isDefaultGraph(term.graph) || (g = this._termToNumericId(term.graph))) &&
this._ids[g ? `.${s}.${p}.${o}.${g}` : `.${s}.${p}.${o}`];
return this._ids[termToId(term)];
_termToNewNumericId(term) {
This assumes that no graph term is present - we may wish to error if there is one
const str = term && term.termType === 'Quad' ?
isDefaultGraph(term.graph) ? '' : `.${this._termToNewNumericId(term.graph)}`
: termToId(term);
return this._ids[str] || (this._ids[this._entities[++this._id] = str] = this._id);
returns the number of quads in the store get size() {
Return the quad count if if was cached
let size = this._size;
if (size !== null)
return size;
Calculate the number of quads by counting to the deepest level
size = 0;
const graphs = this._graphs;
let subjects, subject;
for (const graphKey in graphs)
for (const subjectKey in (subjects = graphs[graphKey].subjects))
for (const predicateKey in (subject = subjects[subjectKey]))
size += Object.keys(subject[predicateKey]).length;
return this._size = size;
adds a quad to a three-layered index.Returns if the index has changed, if the entry did not already exist.
_addToIndex(index0, key0, key1, key2) {
Create layers as necessary
const index1 = index0[key0] || (index0[key0] = {});
const index2 = index1[key1] || (index1[key1] = {});
Setting the key to any value signals the presence of the quad
const existed = key2 in index2;
if (!existed)
index2[key2] = null;
return !existed;
removes a quad from a three-layered index _removeFromIndex(index0, key0, key1, key2) {
Remove the quad from the index
const index1 = index0[key0], index2 = index1[key1];
delete index2[key2];
Remove intermediary index layers if they are empty
for (const key in index2) return;
delete index1[key1];
for (const key in index1) return;
delete index0[key0];
finds a set of quads in a three-layered index.The index base is index0
and the keys at each level are key0
, key1
, and key2
Any of these keys can be undefined, which is interpreted as a wildcard.
, name1
, and name2
are the names of the keys at each level,
used when reconstructing the resulting quad
(for instance: subject, predicate, and object).
Finally, graphId
will be the graph of the created quads.
*_findInIndex(index0, key0, key1, key2, name0, name1, name2, graphId) {
let tmp, index1, index2;
const entityKeys = this._entities;
const graph = this._termFromId(graphId, this._factory);
const parts = { subject: null, predicate: null, object: null };
If a key is specified, use only that part of index 0.
if (key0) (tmp = index0, index0 = {})[key0] = tmp[key0];
for (const value0 in index0) {
if (index1 = index0[value0]) {
parts[name0] = this._termFromId(entityKeys[value0], this._factory);
If a key is specified, use only that part of index 1.
if (key1) (tmp = index1, index1 = {})[key1] = tmp[key1];
for (const value1 in index1) {
if (index2 = index1[value1]) {
parts[name1] = this._termFromId(entityKeys[value1], this._factory);
If a key is specified, use only that part of index 2, if it exists.
const values = key2 ? (key2 in index2 ? [key2] : []) : Object.keys(index2);
Create quads for all items found in index 2.
for (let l = 0; l < values.length; l++) {
parts[name2] = this._termFromId(entityKeys[values[l]], this._factory);
yield this._factory.quad(parts.subject, parts.predicate, parts.object, graph);
executes the callback on all keys of index 0 _loop(index0, callback) {
for (const key0 in index0)
executes the callback on all keys of a certain entry in index 0 _loopByKey0(index0, key0, callback) {
let index1, key1;
if (index1 = index0[key0]) {
for (key1 in index1)
executes the callback on given keys of all entries in index 0 _loopByKey1(index0, key1, callback) {
let key0, index1;
for (key0 in index0) {
index1 = index0[key0];
if (index1[key1])
executes the callback on given keys of certain entries in index 2 _loopBy2Keys(index0, key0, key1, callback) {
let index1, index2, key2;
if ((index1 = index0[key0]) && (index2 = index1[key1])) {
for (key2 in index2)
counts matching quads in a three-layered index.The index base is index0
and the keys at each level are key0
, key1
, and key2
Any of these keys can be undefined, which is interpreted as a wildcard.
_countInIndex(index0, key0, key1, key2) {
let count = 0, tmp, index1, index2;
If a key is specified, count only that part of index 0
if (key0) (tmp = index0, index0 = {})[key0] = tmp[key0];
for (const value0 in index0) {
if (index1 = index0[value0]) {
If a key is specified, count only that part of index 1
if (key1) (tmp = index1, index1 = {})[key1] = tmp[key1];
for (const value1 in index1) {
if (index2 = index1[value1]) {
If a key is specified, count the quad if it exists
if (key2) (key2 in index2) && count++;
Otherwise, count all quads
else count += Object.keys(index2).length;
return count;
returns an array with the given graph,or all graphs if the argument is null or undefined.
_getGraphs(graph) {
if (!isString(graph))
return this._graphs;
const graphs = {};
graphs[graph] = this._graphs[graph];
return graphs;
returns a function that accepts an entity IDand passes the corresponding entity to callback if it hasn’t occurred before.
_uniqueEntities(callback) {
const uniqueIds = Object.create(null);
return id => {
if (!(id in uniqueIds)) {
uniqueIds[id] = true;
callback(this._termFromId(this._entities[id], this._factory));
adds the specified quad to the dataset.Returns the dataset instance it was called on. Existing quads, as defined in Quad.equals, will be ignored.
add(quad) {
return this;
adds a new quad to the store.Returns if the quad index has changed, if the quad did not already exist.
addQuad(subject, predicate, object, graph) {
Shift arguments if a quad object is given instead of components
if (!predicate)
graph = subject.graph, object = subject.object,
predicate = subject.predicate, subject = subject.subject;
Convert terms to internal string representation
graph = termToId(graph);
Find the graph that will contain the triple
let graphItem = this._graphs[graph];
Create the graph if it doesn’t exist yet
if (!graphItem) {
graphItem = this._graphs[graph] = { subjects: {}, predicates: {}, objects: {} };
Freezing a graph helps subsequent add
and properties will never be modified anyway
Since entities can often be long IRIs, we avoid storing them in every index. Instead, we have a separate index that maps entities to numbers, which are then used as keys in the other indexes.
subject = this._termToNewNumericId(subject);
predicate = this._termToNewNumericId(predicate);
object = this._termToNewNumericId(object);
const changed = this._addToIndex(graphItem.subjects, subject, predicate, object);
this._addToIndex(graphItem.predicates, predicate, object, subject);
this._addToIndex(graphItem.objects, object, subject, predicate);
The cached quad count is now invalid
this._size = null;
return changed;
adds multiple quads to the store addQuads(quads) {
for (let i = 0; i < quads.length; i++)
removes the specified quad from the dataset.Returns the dataset instance it was called on.
delete(quad) {
return this;
determines whether a dataset includes a certain quad or quad pattern. has(subjectOrQuad, predicate, object, graph) {
if (subjectOrQuad && subjectOrQuad.subject)
({ subject: subjectOrQuad, predicate, object, graph } = subjectOrQuad);
return !this.readQuads(subjectOrQuad, predicate, object, graph).next().done;
adds a stream of quads to the store import(stream) {
stream.on('data', quad => { this.addQuad(quad); });
return stream;
removes a quad from the store if it exists removeQuad(subject, predicate, object, graph) {
Shift arguments if a quad object is given instead of components
if (!predicate)
graph = subject.graph, object = subject.object,
predicate = subject.predicate, subject = subject.subject;
Convert terms to internal string representation
graph = termToId(graph);
Find internal identifiers for all components and verify the quad exists.
const graphs = this._graphs;
let graphItem, subjects, predicates;
if (!(subject = subject && this._termToNumericId(subject)) || !(predicate = predicate && this._termToNumericId(predicate)) ||
!(object = object && this._termToNumericId(object)) || !(graphItem = graphs[graph]) ||
!(subjects = graphItem.subjects[subject]) ||
!(predicates = subjects[predicate]) ||
!(object in predicates))
return false;
Remove it from all indexes
this._removeFromIndex(graphItem.subjects, subject, predicate, object);
this._removeFromIndex(graphItem.predicates, predicate, object, subject);
this._removeFromIndex(graphItem.objects, object, subject, predicate);
if (this._size !== null) this._size--;
Remove the graph if it is empty
for (subject in graphItem.subjects) return true;
delete graphs[graph];
return true;
removes multiple quads from the store removeQuads(quads) {
for (let i = 0; i < quads.length; i++)
removes a stream of quads from the store remove(stream) {
stream.on('data', quad => { this.removeQuad(quad); });
return stream;
removes all matching quads from the storeSetting any field to undefined
or null
indicates a wildcard.
removeMatches(subject, predicate, object, graph) {
const stream = new Readable({ objectMode: true });
stream._read = () => {
for (const quad of this.readQuads(subject, predicate, object, graph))
return this.remove(stream);
removes all triples with the given graph from the store deleteGraph(graph) {
return this.removeMatches(null, null, null, graph);
returns an array of quads matching a pattern.Setting any field to undefined
or null
indicates a wildcard.
getQuads(subject, predicate, object, graph) {
return [...this.readQuads(subject, predicate, object, graph)];
returns an generator of quads matching a pattern.Setting any field to undefined
or null
indicates a wildcard.
*readQuads(subject, predicate, object, graph) {
Convert terms to internal string representation
graph = graph && termToId(graph);
const graphs = this._getGraphs(graph);
let content, subjectId, predicateId, objectId;
Translate IRIs to internal index keys.
if (subject && !(subjectId = this._termToNumericId(subject)) ||
predicate && !(predicateId = this._termToNumericId(predicate)) ||
object && !(objectId = this._termToNumericId(object)))
for (const graphId in graphs) {
Only if the specified graph contains triples, there can be results
if (content = graphs[graphId]) {
Choose the optimal index, based on what fields are present
if (subjectId) {
if (objectId)
If subject and object are given, the object index will be the fastest
yield* this._findInIndex(content.objects, objectId, subjectId, predicateId,
'object', 'subject', 'predicate', graphId);
If only subject and possibly predicate are given, the subject index will be the fastest
yield* this._findInIndex(content.subjects, subjectId, predicateId, null,
'subject', 'predicate', 'object', graphId);
else if (predicateId)
If only predicate and possibly object are given, the predicate index will be the fastest
yield* this._findInIndex(content.predicates, predicateId, objectId, null,
'predicate', 'object', 'subject', graphId);
else if (objectId)
If only object is given, the object index will be the fastest
yield* this._findInIndex(content.objects, objectId, null, null,
'object', 'subject', 'predicate', graphId);
If nothing is given, iterate subjects and predicates first
yield* this._findInIndex(content.subjects, null, null, null,
'subject', 'predicate', 'object', graphId);
returns a new dataset that is comprised of all quads in the current instance matching the given arguments.The logic described in Quad Matching is applied for each quad in this dataset to check if it should be included in the output dataset.
Note: This method always returns a new DatasetCore, even if that dataset contains no quads.
Note: Since a DatasetCore is an unordered set, the order of the quads within the returned sequence is arbitrary.
Setting any field to undefined
or null
indicates a wildcard.
For backwards compatibility, the object return also implements the Readable stream interface.
match(subject, predicate, object, graph) {
return new DatasetCoreAndReadableStream(this, subject, predicate, object, graph);
returns the number of quads matching a pattern.Setting any field to undefined
or null
indicates a wildcard.
countQuads(subject, predicate, object, graph) {
Convert terms to internal string representation
graph = graph && termToId(graph);
const graphs = this._getGraphs(graph);
let count = 0, content, subjectId, predicateId, objectId;
Translate IRIs to internal index keys.
if (subject && !(subjectId = this._termToNumericId(subject)) ||
predicate && !(predicateId = this._termToNumericId(predicate)) ||
object && !(objectId = this._termToNumericId(object)))
return 0;
for (const graphId in graphs) {
Only if the specified graph contains triples, there can be results
if (content = graphs[graphId]) {
Choose the optimal index, based on what fields are present
if (subject) {
if (object)
If subject and object are given, the object index will be the fastest
count += this._countInIndex(content.objects, objectId, subjectId, predicateId);
If only subject and possibly predicate are given, the subject index will be the fastest
count += this._countInIndex(content.subjects, subjectId, predicateId, objectId);
else if (predicate) {
If only predicate and possibly object are given, the predicate index will be the fastest
count += this._countInIndex(content.predicates, predicateId, objectId, subjectId);
else {
If only object is possibly given, the object index will be the fastest
count += this._countInIndex(content.objects, objectId, subjectId, predicateId);
return count;
executes the callback on all quads.Setting any field to undefined
or null
indicates a wildcard.
forEach(callback, subject, predicate, object, graph) {
this.some(quad => {
return false;
}, subject, predicate, object, graph);
executes the callback on all quads,and returns true
if it returns truthy for all them.
Setting any field to undefined
or null
indicates a wildcard.
every(callback, subject, predicate, object, graph) {
let some = false;
const every = !this.some(quad => {
some = true;
return !callback(quad);
}, subject, predicate, object, graph);
return some && every;
executes the callback on all quads,and returns true
if it returns truthy for any of them.
Setting any field to undefined
or null
indicates a wildcard.
some(callback, subject, predicate, object, graph) {
for (const quad of this.readQuads(subject, predicate, object, graph))
if (callback(quad))
return true;
return false;
returns all subjects that match the pattern.Setting any field to undefined
or null
indicates a wildcard.
getSubjects(predicate, object, graph) {
const results = [];
this.forSubjects(s => { results.push(s); }, predicate, object, graph);
return results;
executes the callback on all subjects that match the pattern.Setting any field to undefined
or null
indicates a wildcard.
forSubjects(callback, predicate, object, graph) {
Convert terms to internal string representation
graph = graph && termToId(graph);
const graphs = this._getGraphs(graph);
let content, predicateId, objectId;
callback = this._uniqueEntities(callback);
Translate IRIs to internal index keys.
if (predicate && !(predicateId = this._termToNumericId(predicate)) ||
object && !(objectId = this._termToNumericId(object)))
for (graph in graphs) {
Only if the specified graph contains triples, there can be results
if (content = graphs[graph]) {
Choose optimal index based on which fields are wildcards
if (predicateId) {
if (objectId)
If predicate and object are given, the POS index is best.
this._loopBy2Keys(content.predicates, predicateId, objectId, callback);
If only predicate is given, the SPO index is best.
this._loopByKey1(content.subjects, predicateId, callback);
else if (objectId)
If only object is given, the OSP index is best.
this._loopByKey0(content.objects, objectId, callback);
If no params given, iterate all the subjects
this._loop(content.subjects, callback);
returns all predicates that match the pattern.Setting any field to undefined
or null
indicates a wildcard.
getPredicates(subject, object, graph) {
const results = [];
this.forPredicates(p => { results.push(p); }, subject, object, graph);
return results;
executes the callback on all predicates that match the pattern.Setting any field to undefined
or null
indicates a wildcard.
forPredicates(callback, subject, object, graph) {
Convert terms to internal string representation
graph = graph && termToId(graph);
const graphs = this._getGraphs(graph);
let content, subjectId, objectId;
callback = this._uniqueEntities(callback);
Translate IRIs to internal index keys.
if (subject && !(subjectId = this._termToNumericId(subject)) ||
object && !(objectId = this._termToNumericId(object)))
for (graph in graphs) {
Only if the specified graph contains triples, there can be results
if (content = graphs[graph]) {
Choose optimal index based on which fields are wildcards
if (subjectId) {
if (objectId)
If subject and object are given, the OSP index is best.
this._loopBy2Keys(content.objects, objectId, subjectId, callback);
If only subject is given, the SPO index is best.
this._loopByKey0(content.subjects, subjectId, callback);
else if (objectId)
If only object is given, the POS index is best.
this._loopByKey1(content.predicates, objectId, callback);
If no params given, iterate all the predicates.
this._loop(content.predicates, callback);
returns all objects that match the pattern.Setting any field to undefined
or null
indicates a wildcard.
getObjects(subject, predicate, graph) {
const results = [];
this.forObjects(o => { results.push(o); }, subject, predicate, graph);
return results;
executes the callback on all objects that match the pattern.Setting any field to undefined
or null
indicates a wildcard.
forObjects(callback, subject, predicate, graph) {
Convert terms to internal string representation
graph = graph && termToId(graph);
const graphs = this._getGraphs(graph);
let content, subjectId, predicateId;
callback = this._uniqueEntities(callback);
Translate IRIs to internal index keys.
if (subject && !(subjectId = this._termToNumericId(subject)) ||
predicate && !(predicateId = this._termToNumericId(predicate)))
for (graph in graphs) {
Only if the specified graph contains triples, there can be results
if (content = graphs[graph]) {
Choose optimal index based on which fields are wildcards
if (subjectId) {
if (predicateId)
If subject and predicate are given, the SPO index is best.
this._loopBy2Keys(content.subjects, subjectId, predicateId, callback);
If only subject is given, the OSP index is best.
this._loopByKey1(content.objects, subjectId, callback);
else if (predicateId)
If only predicate is given, the POS index is best.
this._loopByKey0(content.predicates, predicateId, callback);
If no params given, iterate all the objects.
this._loop(content.objects, callback);
returns all graphs that match the pattern.Setting any field to undefined
or null
indicates a wildcard.
getGraphs(subject, predicate, object) {
const results = [];
this.forGraphs(g => { results.push(g); }, subject, predicate, object);
return results;
executes the callback on all graphs that match the pattern.Setting any field to undefined
or null
indicates a wildcard.
forGraphs(callback, subject, predicate, object) {
for (const graph in this._graphs) {
this.some(quad => {
return true; // Halt iteration of some()
}, subject, predicate, object, graph);
creates a new blank node, returning its name createBlankNode(suggestedName) {
let name, index;
Generate a name based on the suggested name
if (suggestedName) {
name = suggestedName = `_:${suggestedName}`, index = 1;
while (this._ids[name])
name = suggestedName + index++;
Generate a generic blank node name
else {
do { name = `_:b${this._blankNodeIndex++}`; }
while (this._ids[name]);
Add the blank node to the entities, avoiding the generation of duplicates
this._ids[name] = ++this._id;
this._entities[this._id] = name;
return this._factory.blankNode(name.substr(2));
extractLists({ remove = false, ignoreErrors = false } = {}) {
const lists = {}; // has scalar keys so could be a simple Object
const onError = ignoreErrors ? (() => true) :
((node, message) => { throw new Error(`${node.value} ${message}`); });
Traverse each list from its tail
const tails = this.getQuads(null,, namespaces.rdf.nil, null);
const toRemove = remove ? [...tails] : [];
tails.forEach(tailQuad => {
const items = []; // the members found as objects of rdf:first quads
let malformed = false; // signals whether the current list is malformed
let head; // the head of the list (_:b1 in above example)
let headPos; // set to subject or object when head is set
const graph = tailQuad.graph; // make sure list is in exactly one graph
Traverse the list from tail to end
let current = tailQuad.subject;
while (current && !malformed) {
const objectQuads = this.getQuads(null, null, current, null);
const subjectQuads = this.getQuads(current, null, null, null);
let quad, first = null, rest = null, parent = null;
Find the first and rest of this list node
for (let i = 0; i < subjectQuads.length && !malformed; i++) {
quad = subjectQuads[i];
if (!quad.graph.equals(graph))
malformed = onError(current, 'not confined to single graph');
else if (head)
malformed = onError(current, 'has non-list arcs out');
one rdf:first
else if (quad.predicate.value === namespaces.rdf.first) {
if (first)
malformed = onError(current, 'has multiple rdf:first arcs');
toRemove.push(first = quad);
one rdf:rest
else if (quad.predicate.value === {
if (rest)
malformed = onError(current, 'has multiple rdf:rest arcs');
toRemove.push(rest = quad);
alien triple
else if (objectQuads.length)
malformed = onError(current, 'can\'t be subject and object');
else {
head = quad; // e.g. { (1 2 3) :p :o }
headPos = 'subject';
{ :s :p (1 2) } arrives here with no head { (1 2) :p :o } arrives here with head set to the list.
for (let i = 0; i < objectQuads.length && !malformed; ++i) {
quad = objectQuads[i];
if (head)
malformed = onError(current, 'can\'t have coreferences');
one rdf:rest
else if (quad.predicate.value === {
if (parent)
malformed = onError(current, 'has incoming rdf:rest arcs');
parent = quad;
else {
head = quad; // e.g. { :s :p (1 2) }
headPos = 'object';
Store the list item and continue with parent
if (!first)
malformed = onError(current, 'has no list head');
current = parent && parent.subject;
Don’t remove any quads if the list is malformed
if (malformed)
remove = false;
Store the list under the value of its head
else if (head)
lists[head[headPos].value] = items;
Remove list quads if requested
if (remove)
return lists;
Can be used where iterables are expected: for…of loops, array spread operator,
, and destructuring assignment (order is not guaranteed).
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
yield* this.readQuads();
Determines whether the argument is a string
function isString(s) {
return typeof s === 'string' || s instanceof String;
* A class that implements both DatasetCore and Readable.
class DatasetCoreAndReadableStream extends Readable {
constructor(n3Store, subject, predicate, object, graph) {
super({ objectMode: true });
Object.assign(this, { n3Store, subject, predicate, object, graph });
get filtered() {
if (!this._filtered) {
const { n3Store, graph, object, predicate, subject } = this;
const newStore = this._filtered = new N3Store({ factory: n3Store._factory });
for (const quad of n3Store.readQuads(subject, predicate, object, graph))
return this._filtered;
get size() {
return this.filtered.size;
_read() {
for (const quad of this)
add(quad) {
return this.filtered.add(quad);
delete(quad) {
return this.filtered.delete(quad);
has(quad) {
return this.filtered.has(quad);
match(subject, predicate, object, graph) {
return new DatasetCoreAndReadableStream(this.filtered, subject, predicate, object, graph);
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
yield* this._filtered || this.n3Store.readQuads(this.subject, this.predicate, this.object, this.graph);