
The scope of this specification is to provide a way to store multiple quads, as defined in the RDF/JS: Data model specification, in a so-called dataset. Similar to the RDF/JS: Data model specification, this is a low-level specification that provides only essential methods for working with multiple quads. High-level interfaces that work with quads can and should be using libraries that implement this interface.

The specification itself consists of a core-part that is the base for all other functions defined.

Low-level methods are using explicit parameters that cannot be omitted.

Additional high-level interfaces are outside of the scope of this specification and should be defined elsewhere.

Data interfaces

DatasetCore interface

    interface DatasetCore {
      readonly attribute unsigned long  size;
      Dataset                           add (Quad quad);
      Dataset                           delete (Quad quad);
      boolean                           has (Quad quad);
      Dataset                           match (optional Term? subject, optional Term? predicate, optional Term? _object, optional Term? graph);




A non-negative integer that specifies the number of quads in the set.



Adds the specified quad to the dataset.

This method returns the dataset instance it was called on.

Existing quads, as defined in Quad.equals, will be ignored.


Removes the specified quad from the dataset.

This method returns the dataset instance it was called on.


Determines whether a dataset includes a certain quad, returning true or false as appropriate.


This method returns a new dataset that is comprised of all quads in the current instance matching the given arguments. The logic described in Quad Matching is applied for each quad in this dataset to check if it should be included in the output dataset.

Note: This method always returns a new DatasetCore, even if that dataset contains no quads.

Note: Since a DatasetCore is an unordered set, the order of the quads within the returned sequence is arbitrary.

DatasetCoreFactory interface

    interface DatasetCoreFactory {
      DatasetCore dataset (optional sequence<Quad> quads);

DatasetCoreFactory provides a dataset method to create instances of DatasetCore.


Returns a new dataset and imports all quads, if given.

The given sequence must be treated as immutable (do not .pop(), .splice(), .shift(), etc).

The following interfaces are experimental and will change in future versions of this document:

Dataset, DatasetFactory, QuadFilterIteratee, QuadMapIteratee, QuadReduceIteratee, QuadRunIteratee

Dataset interface

    interface Dataset : DatasetCore {
      Dataset                           addAll ((Dataset or sequence<Quad>) quads);
      boolean                           contains (Dataset other);
      Dataset                           deleteMatches (optional Term subject, optional Term predicate, optional Term _object, optional Term graph);
      Dataset                           difference (Dataset other);
      boolean                           equals (Dataset other);
      boolean                           every (QuadFilterIteratee iteratee);
      Dataset                           filter (QuadFilterIteratee iteratee);
      undefined                         forEach (QuadRunIteratee iteratee);
      Promise<Dataset>                  import (Stream stream);
      Dataset                           intersection (Dataset other);
      Dataset                           map (QuadMapIteratee iteratee);
      any                               reduce (QuadReduceIteratee iteratee, optional any initialValue);
      boolean                           some (QuadFilterIteratee iteratee);
      DOMString                         toCanonical ();
      Stream                            toStream ();
      Dataset                           union (Dataset quads);

A DatasetCore implementation may already implement part of the Dataset interface. If a Dataset implementation acts as a wrapper for a DatasetCore, the wrapped dataset methods should be used.


Returns an N-Quads string representation of the dataset.

No prior normalization is required, therefore the results for the same quads may vary depending on the Dataset implementation.




Imports the quads into this dataset.

This method returns the dataset instance it was called on.

This method differs from Dataset.union in that it adds all quads to the current instance, rather than combining quads and the current instance to create a new instance.

The given sequence must be treated as immutable (do not .pop(), .splice(), .shift(), etc).


Returns true if the current instance is a superset of the given dataset; differently put: if the given dataset is a subset of, is contained in the current dataset.

Blank Nodes will be normalized.

The given dataset and its content must be treated as immutable (do not cause mutations by calling e.g. .add() or .delete() on it, do not modify the quads you get out of it).


This method removes the quads in the current instance that match the given arguments. The logic described in Quad Matching is applied for each quad in this dataset to select the quads which will be deleted.

This method returns the dataset instance it was called on.


Returns a new dataset that contains alls quads from the current dataset, not included in the given dataset.

The given dataset and its content must be treated as immutable (do not cause mutations by calling e.g. .add() or .delete() on it, do not modify the quads you get out of it).


Returns true if the current instance contains the same graph structure as the given dataset.

Blank Nodes will be normalized.

The given dataset and its content must be treated as immutable (do not cause mutations by calling e.g. .add() or .delete() on it, do not modify the quads you get out of it).


Universal quantification method, tests whether every quad in the dataset passes the test implemented by the provided iteratee.

This method immediately returns boolean false once a quad that does not pass the test is found.

This method always returns boolean true on an empty dataset.

Note: This method is aligned with Array.prototype.every() in ECMAScript-262.


Creates a new dataset with all the quads that pass the test implemented by the provided iteratee.

Note: This method is aligned with Array.prototype.filter() in ECMAScript-262.


Executes the provided iteratee once on each quad in the dataset.

Note: This method is aligned with Array.prototype.forEach() in ECMAScript-262.


Imports all quads from the given stream into the dataset.

The stream events end and error are wrapped in a Promise.


Returns a new dataset containing alls quads from the current dataset that are also included in the given dataset.

The given dataset and its content must be treated as immutable (do not cause mutations by calling e.g. .add() or .delete() on it, do not modify the quads you get out of it).


Returns a new dataset containing all quads returned by applying iteratee to each quad in the current dataset.


This method calls the iteratee on each quad of the DatasetCore. The first time the iteratee is called, the accumulator value is the initialValue or, if not given, equals to the first quad of the Dataset. The return value of the iteratee is used as accumulator value for the next calls.

This method returns the return value of the last iteratee call.

Note: This method is aligned with Array.prototype.reduce() in ECMAScript-262.


Existential quantification method, tests whether some quads in the dataset pass the test implemented by the provided iteratee.

This method immediately returns boolean true once a quad that passes the test is found.

Note: This method is aligned with Array.prototype.some() in ECMAScript-262.


Returns an N-Quads string representation of the dataset, preprocessed with RDF Dataset Normalization algorithm.


Returns a stream that contains all quads of the dataset.


Returns a new Dataset that is a concatenation of this dataset and the quads given as an argument.

The given dataset and its content must be treated as immutable (do not cause mutations by calling e.g. .add() or .delete() on it, do not modify the quads you get out of it).

DatasetFactory interface

    interface DatasetFactory : DataFactory {
      Dataset dataset (optional (Dataset or sequence<Quad>) quads);


Returns a new dataset and imports all quads, if given.

QuadFilterIteratee interface

    interface QuadFilterIteratee {
      boolean test (Quad quad, Dataset dataset);


A callable function that returns true if the input quad passes the test this function implements.

QuadMapIteratee interface

    interface QuadMapIteratee {
      Quad map (Quad quad, Dataset dataset);


A callable function that can be executed on a quad and returns a quad.

The returned quad can be the given quad or a new one.

QuadReduceIteratee interface

    interface QuadReduceIteratee {
      any run (any accumulator, Quad quad, Dataset dataset);


A callable function that can be executed on an accumulator and quad and returns a new accumulator.

QuadRunIteratee interface

    interface QuadRunIteratee {
      undefined run (Quad quad, Dataset dataset);


A callable function that can be executed on a quad.

Runtime Semantics

Quad Matching

The methods match and deleteMatches select each quad for which the following logic is true:

Only quads matching all of the given non-null arguments will be selected.


The authors would like to thank the authors of the RDF Interfaces specification. Many concepts and definitions were adopted from that specification.

WebIDL references

The interfaces in this spec make use of the DataFactory, Quad, and Term interfaces from the RDF/JS Data model specification.

The interfaces in this spec make use of the Stream interface from the Node.js API.